Bentley Map V8i (SELECTseries 10) Help

Topology Creation Toolbox

The tools in the Topology Creation toolbox are used to create shapes, connect linework, associate linkages, generate buffers and display selected elements.

By default, the Topology Creation toolbox is docked to the Main tool bar. It is also possible to access this toolbox through the Toolboxes dialog and with a key-in.


Select in the Topology Creation toolbox

Construct simple or complex shapes from linear elements that share consecutive common endpoints and together define or infer a closed shape.

Create Shapes tool

Place a point element at the approximate center of an area

Create Centroids tool

Copy database linkages to centroids, boundaries, and area elements.

Associate Linkages tool

Test the assumption that topology is reprefsented by boundaries which surround centroids, with one centroid for every area.

Validate Topology tool

Merge two selected polygons and maintain one set of properties from the first selected polygon

Merge Polygon tool

Split the selected polygon and copy the properties from that polygon to the two resulting polygons

Split Polygon tool